What's there to say about Leipzig? Not much honestly. The city, is it really fair to call it a city, houses the church where Johann Sebastian Bach used to play the piano...
And that's pretty much it. Honestly, there's not much else to see in the city. And we only spent one day in the city. And that's how we ended off our journey through Germany. From then on we were headed into a new country for me. One which I had no experience at all with. Like almost nothing. The Czech Republic. We came into Prague with slightly bad expectations. We were warned by our tour guide Tassos to watch out for pick pockets. Apparently, one year one of his students had put his bag down in the lobby. Some guy just walked in, picked up the bag, and just left. SO yeah, not the most safe city. But honestly, the whole atmosphere fo the place, with it's winding cobble streets, and the different fancy stores, really did appeal to me. In the midst of the central square, there was this clock tower. And there we were, all standing under it, waiting for something to happen when the hour went by. And at 1:00 exactly the entire machine began to whir. Little men came out of the clock, the music started to swell... and absolutely nothing happened. They waved their hands for a good minute, and then left. But some other nice sites from the city included the Charles Bridge. You know, the iconic one where every person ever comes to take a picture? Yeah that one. We also checked out Prague Castle, which had St. Vitus's Cathedral and St. George's Basilica, which were gothic and romanesque respectively. They also had this whole market place which was a recreation of how the castle looked in medieval times. Honestly quite beautiful. The torture chambers were not fun though. Sad to think how creative human beings got when trying to figure out how to hurt others. But the weapons did look super cool. Coolest thing was the rifle knife, hands down. But yeah, the only other cool site in the city was the John Lennon wall. Man that was cool. Created as a memorial to the man himself, in front of the wall were numerous cans of spray paint which one, after paying a small fee, could use to make their mark on the wall. With a plethora of different colors, the wall really was beautiful, in an almost chaotic sense. So many different streams on consciousness and color coming into contact. Reminds me of society itself... But yeah, I just have one last story to leave you with from Prague. Take it as you will. SO here we were wandering through the city trying to find a good place for lunch. When suddenly on our left came this disheveled man. He looked to be on some sort of drug because he started to yell at us. We quickly started to walk away from him, but when we turned around he was still following us. We hurried along the twists and turns of the city and saw that he was still trailing behind. When we all suddenly stopped and started to glare at him, however, he finally got the message and took a hike, muttering to himself. So yeah, if Berlin was the City of Change, Prague would definitely be the City of Thieves. Peace!
AuthorI am just a guy in my 20s trying to find my way in life. I love to write short stories and also document the wonderful world around me! Be prepared for a lot of pictures! Archives
November 2022
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